Kaum ist Symbian^3 PR2.0 aka ANNA offiziell kommen erste Gerüchte zum PR3.0 Update. Per Twitter teilte Addier Alejandro Med folgendes mit:
„#Nokia#Symbian#PR3.0 Q4 Called „Belle“ Full UI Change•35% more Fast Than #PR2.0 #Anna•Native Qt Apps.#N8„
Also Version PR3.0 soll Belle heißen, was passen würde, denn Anna war das Erste und danach kommt B wie Belle.
Damit soll auch die UI komplett geändert werden, wobei man bisher dazu noch keine Infos finden kann, was damit genau gemeint ist.
Und es soll 35% schneller sein als die Anna, was man jetzt mal so stehen lassen muss weil nicht nachvollziehbar.
Aber es lässt hoffen, das Nokia Symbian doch nicht so schnell fallen lassen wird, wie mancherorts erwartet wird.
Genau wie Eldar Murtazin hat auch Addier Alejandro Med in der Vergangenheit durch seine guten Kontakte so manche „geheime“ Info veröffentlicht.
*** Update vom 20.05.2011 ***
mynokiablog.com hat von einem Informanten weitere Infos bezüglich Belle erhalten:
„I just thought i’d share with you what I know about Symbian Belle and what Nokia will be doing in the near future at least with Symbian.I was lucky enough to get to have a go on a test device running Symbian Belle and it was actually very stable and I would say almost in a form where it would be quite usable on a commercial phone.Looking over the website you do seem to know a lot about Belle already but I think i have a few things you don’t know.Here are some things i noted down about the system and some of the answers I received from the Nokia employee.
- Firstly the screen shots you posted about Belle are correct. The icons at the bottom have changed to those that are on the screenshots.
- All Symbian updates will be girls names and in alphabetical order from now on.
- There will either be 5 or 6 home screens (the employee wasn’t 100% sure on this)
- The new Nokia Pure font was definitely being used on the device.
- It will be around 5 months before we see the update. Next month Symbian Annawill make it’s way to the N8 and E7.
- The browser is much improved in usability and in function. Much improved load times, multi-touch and a better menu system with tabs, visualised history etc. (Only got to play on it for a limited amount of time)
- Maps will be improved yet again. I didn’t get a chance to try it out though
- The applications folder is now removed and theres just a big list of apps.
- And the widgets that have been circulating the web are indeed what will be in Belle. It looked sooo much better. The widgets were NOT resizable but each widget was a different size. E.g the clock was smaller but the social widget was still pretty large. All of the first party apps I tried had been updated and the look and feel had been changed. However all of the third part apps were still the same. The all worked in both portrait and landscape.“
Mit den Screenshots meint er wohl die zuletzt geleakten -> Link
Und über die neue Nokia Pure Schriftart haben wir ebenfalls schon berichtet -> Link
Das hört sich ja mal super an.
Also ich mag die Symbian Oberfläche, wie sie jetzt ist und kann den bisher geleakten Screenshots von Belle nicht viel abgewinnen. 🙁
Ja die Symbian Oberfläche bis dato ist eher funktionell aber grafisch wenig ansprechend für die Jugendlichen Konsumenten !
Enfach mal überraschen lassen was da kommt !