BlackBerry PlayBook – Firmware Update auf v1.0.7.3312 verfügbar

Für das BlackBerry Playbook gibt es ein Firmware Update auf die Version Dieses mal gibt es auch so etwas wie einen Changelog, denn es geht um die Sicherheitslücke im Adobe Flashplayer.

„A new version of the BlackBerry® Tablet OS is now available to all BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet users. BlackBerry Tablet OS v1.07.3312 contains an updated version of Adobe® Flash® Player. This free update can be downloaded over-the-air from your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet.

On September 21st, Adobe issued an update for Adobe Flash Player, as noted in Adobe Security BulletinsAPSB-11-26, which addresses issues that can potentially affect any PC, tablet, or other device with an operating system that supports Adobe Flash.

While there are no known reports of any BlackBerry PlayBook tablet users being affected by these Adobe Flash issues, we (as always) encourage all BlackBerry PlayBook users to update to the newest version of the BlackBerry Tablet OS. For more information about what these security updates mean to the BlackBerry PlayBook, please see our security advisory.“


Peter W.