Facebook für das iPad ist da…

Lange hat es gedauert, aber jetzt ist es endlich soweit…Facebook gibt es jetzt ganz offiziell auch für das iPad. Es kann zwar nicht mehr als die iPhone App, aber dafür größer und schöner.

„A New Way to Experience Facebook

Enjoy bigger, better photos

Your photos take on new life on the iPad. They’re big, high-res and easy to flip through—like a real photo album.

Focus on what matters

With less on the screen, it’s easier to zoom in on your friends‘ photos, updates and stories.

Navigate anywhere, fast

Just tap, slide or pinch to get from one screen to another and back again in no time.

Never lose your place

Use simplified navigation to send a message, see your notifications or browse your bookmarks without switching screens.

Play games on the go

Play your favorite Facebook games wherever you are, and on a bigger screen.

Tap to send messages

A simple dropdown menu makes it easy to scan and send messages without visiting your inbox.“

Link: https://www.facebook.com/mobile/ipad

Appstore Link: http://itunes.apple.com/app/facebook/id284882215

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Peter W.