Windows Phone Event am 24. Mai

Am 24. Mai 2011 lädt Microsoft zu einem Windows Phone Event, auf dem wohl das Update auf WP7.5 aka Mango vorgestellt wird. Mittlerweile gibt es ja schon einige Details, aber hat sich die Arbeit gemacht und alles zusammen getragen.


  • Third-party Multi-tasking
  • Twitter integration in People Hub
  • Office 365 and SkyDrive support in Office Hub
  • Internet Explorer 9 Mobile
  • Improved application discovery
  • Custom ringtones support
  • Over-the-air Podcasts Download
  • Better marketplace navigation
  • Bing Search „Extras“
  • Multiple Live Tiles per app
  • Revamped Games Hub
  • Expanded language support
  • Configurable background services
  • Pinnable email folders and conversation view
  • Microsoft Lync Mobile app
  • 1500+ New APIs (Motion Sensor, Gyro, Sockets, Database and more)
  • Private and Beta Marketplace and Parental Controls
  • Exchange Server email search, enhanced security and information rights management, and support for hidden WiFi networks

Noch nicht bestätigt:

  • Bing Vision and Bing Audio
  • Turn-by-turn Navigation
  • SMS Dictation
  • Built-in Messenger and Facebook Chat in Messaging and People Hub
  • Automatic Games Sync via Xbox LIVE
  • Group Messaging
  • Artist Art on Lock Screen
  • Smart DJ Mix support
  • Camera shutter sound toggle
  • Built-in Facebook check-in and video upload support
  • Visual Voicemail

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Peter W.