RIM hat damit begonnen für sein Playbook ein erstes Update auf die v1.0.7.2650 zu verteilen. Es ist zwar nicht das erhoffte große Update, trotzdem gibt es ein paar Verbesserungen.
„Improved connectivity & productivity with the BlackBerry Bridge application
- Enhanced Support for Saving Attachments – The BlackBerry Bridge app offers you more flexibility around where and how you save attachments for viewing and editing. You can now save an attachment to a removable SD card, or to your BlackBerry smartphone’s internal flash memory.
- ZIP Attachment Support – The BlackBerry Bridge app now gives you access to ZIP files received as an email attachment. While bridged, you can now download a zip file from an email to your smartphone SD card and then extract compressed contents for viewing or editing on your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet.
Additional Multimedia Features
- Portrait Support in Pictures App – With BlackBerry Tablet OS v1.0.7, pictures that you’ve taken with your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet or transferred from your PC can now be viewed in either portrait or landscape formats for the layout that best fits your needs.
- Pinch to Zoom in Video App – Use the pinch gesture to zoom in on the finer details of your favorite video content, just like you would with a website or picture today – all while the video continues to play.“
Erhältlich ist das Update über das PlayBook Menü.
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