Wer ein Netbook oder Tablet wie das WeTab besitzt, auf dem MeeGo läuft kann jetzt ein Update auf MeeGo 1.2 installieren. Dieses Update ist nicht für Smartphones verfügbar. Es wurden etliche Bugs behoben und die neue Tablet UI integriert. Hier der komplette Changlog:
- Complete MeeGo Compliance packages for ensured compatibility.
- GCC 4.5.1 toolchain with great support for the Intel Atom* micro-architecture and the Intel SSSE3 instruction set, as well as with great ARM support. It has Linaro 2010.09 patches adding hard floating-point for all known ARMV7-A chipsets including Tegra2 and Marvell chips with sub-architectures of Thumb2/Neon.
- Linux kernel 2.6.37, with support for Intel Atom processor Z6xx series family and Nokia N900 with working power-management and numerous bug fixes.
- X.org Server 1.9.0 and Mesa 7.9.1, for improved 2D and 3D graphics performance.
- Qt 4.7.2 and Qt-mobility 1.2, providing a rich set of APIs for creating compelling applications that include location, sensors, contacts, and messaging. The new version of Qt enables GLLE-only builds and adds multi-point touch support through XInput2 API and many performance optimizations. On the ARM side, it conducts ARMv7 optimizations and runtime detection for enabling NEON optimization. For Qt-mobility 1.2, it adds a new connectivity subpackage and enhanced camera support, it also adds libva and GLESv2 shader support.
- New Connman connection manager with a lot of bug fixes and new features like tethering, openvpn, setting proxy auto-configuration, IPV6 DNS connections and regulatory domain settings, and more.
- New Ofono telephony stack with extensive bug-fixes and features like support for many new modems, improved SSN and voicecall handling, multiple AT channels, call forwarding and SIM refresh, emergency calls without SIM/PIN, and more.
- Pulseaudio 0.9.22 with all required support for resource policy management, audio management, and phone calls. Supports bluetooth A2DP for mp3 direct streaming.
- Gstreamer 0.10.32.
- New resource policy management framework with working audio route in both IA and N900 platforms.
- PackageKit 0.6.13: supports more proxies, including http_proxy, https_proxy, socks_proxy and no_proxy; supports cancel operations while downloading/installing packages. Supports downloading raw RPM packages directly.
Download: http://repo.meego.com/MeeGo/releases/1.2.0/
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