NDrive ab sofort auch für Samsung bada erhältlich

Endlich tut sich auch mal was im Bereich Navigation für bada. NDrive hat heute die Verfügbarkeit sein Onboard Navigation im Samsung Apps Store verkündet. NDrive gehört in meinen Augen unter die Top 3 der Smartphone Navis und da die Auswahl nicht wirklich groß ist (außer Route 66) sollte man auf jeden Fall einmal einen Blick riskieren.

Denn Ndrive bietet wirklich alles, was ein modernes Navi bieten muss und das schick verpackt mit vielen Features.

Die DACH Version kostet zur Einführung 13 € inkl. der Karten für Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz.

Samsung Apps Store Link: NDrive DACH


„Samsung Apps, December 1st, 2011 – NDrive expands their navigation solution to the entire range of Samsung Wave devices including the popular Wave 525. Accordingly,
NDrive returns to the scene as the earliest navigation developer for bada platform.
Let’s look at some Samsung Wave Statistics:
• According to Gartner, there were 2.5M bada-powered phones sold in 3Q2011
• 80% of this number are 5 models, Wave 525, 533, 575, 578, and 723
What exactly does this mean?  Essentially, the extended wave family has become an attractive   opportunity   for   developers   such   as   NDrive   to   produce   affordable, application   for   devices   which   are   fit   for   navigation.   Until   now,   the   race   to accommodate this segment with has not been filled.
Starting from today, NDrive Navigation Systems offers their navigation solution to the entire range of Samsung Wave devices including the popular 525 model.
“Samsung Wave 525 and other ‘little badas’, as we call them at NDrive, are among the most affordable smartphones on the market. But despite of reduced  CPU  and   graphics  performance,   these  GPS-enabled   devices   are entirely fit for browsing, messaging,  and turn-by-turn navigation.  It  was simply a matter of time to fine-tune our software for it.” — Ilídio Martins, NDrive’s lead bada developerThursday, December 1st, 2011
Looking to meet an affordable phone with an accommodating, fully-featured onboard turn-by-turn   navigation   –   NDrive   is   available   in   Samsung   Apps   for   14   European countries, plus India and Hong Kong, priced from 13 € for the 1-year license.
Why 1 year, not lifetime? According to NDrive, the majority of customers demand the map update within the period of 1 year. By switching from lifetime to 1-year model, they decrease the cost of map making the offering more affordable and gain the ability to renew it upon the time. Of course, a user who wants to have the most up-to-date
map will be able to purchase it as soon as it’s deployed by developer.
Worth   a   mention,  NDrive   also   was   the   first   to   develop   a   real   navigation   app   for Samsung Wave phone. Along with rolling out new apps for Wave 525 & Co., they are also updating their current offering for Wave and Wave II.“


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Peter W.