Mit die Beste Onboard Navigation ist nach wie vor NDrive, welche erst vor wenigen Tagen auf die Version 11 aktualisiert wurde. Dieses Navi ist ab sofort auch für Geräte mit webOS ab 2.1 erhältlich.
NDrive 11 bietet etliche Features wie Fahrspurassistent und auch sonst alles, was ein vollwertiges Navi braucht und ist absolut empfehlenswert.
Aktuell gibt es die passenden NAVTEQ Karten für die USA, Kanada, Mexico, England, Ireland, Frankreich, Italien, Deutschland und Spanien.
„Navigation For HP VeerAnd All webOS 2.1 Devices by NDrivePorto, Portugal, May 6th, 2011 – NDrive today announced its first navigationapplication for HP webOS, offering the first webOS app for real on-board turn-by-turnnavigation for webOS smartphone users.“NDrive’s going to be among the first turn-by-turn navigation developers tosettle at the fast-growing webOS community, similar to that of ouradaptation as first movers to the other app stores.” — Luis BaptistaCoelho, CEO at NDriveNDrive, a multinational mobile application solutions provider, has been guiding thejourney of users all around the world in Android and iPhone markets. Followingtrending customer requests, the company has diverted significant efforts to thesophisticated, developer-friendly webOS platform. The savvy webOS community nowhas no excuses to get lost in adventures with the arrival of NDrive, the first turn-byturn GPS on-board navigation software for the webOS platform.NDrive is now available in the webOS App Catalog for smartphones running webOS 2.1or higher. It offers the users a whole lot of new benefits beyond navigation:• Navigate and check into a venue easily with Foursquare• Share your location and itineraries with your friends with Facebook integration• Be prepared for the rain with the Real Time Weather from• Save money and discover the best coupon deals with the Nearby Offers• Supported webOS devices include Pre Plus, Pre 2 and the brand new HP Veer.
To navigate the world, NDrive uses the latest NAVTEQ maps which are stored on yourdevice, allowing you to navigate without the need of network connectivity and a onetime download only.When speaking about technology, there is no room for limitations, that’s why NDrivealso allows you to expand your software with extra features such as languages, maps,speed cams and much more available online trough its built-in store. The award-winning application is now available with maps for the USA, Canada,Mexico, UK & Ireland, France, Italy, Germany, and Spain, making this device the perfectpartner to undertake any trip.“
Link zum webOS Catalog:
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